McGuigan Gold Label Red, over a gold background with sparkles

Introducing McGuigan Gold

Crafted from 500 Gold Medal-winning expertise,
elevate every occasion with Australia's most popular varietals

McGuigan Single Batch Chardonnay at a Picnic being poured into a glass

May we suggest Chardonnay?
May's perfect pairing!

Enjoy our handpicked Chardonnay range online
or visit our Cellar Door for guided tasting experiences!

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<div class="cycler-title display-3.5"><span style="color:#ffffff;">Visit our newly renovated <br>Cellar Door these holidays!</span></div>

Visit our newly renovated
Cellar Door these holidays!

Create unforgettable memories with your
family in the heart of the Hunter.

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<div class="cycler-title display-3.5"><span style="color:#ffffff;">92-point Halliday Triumph</span></div>

92-point Halliday Triumph

2021 McGuigan Personal Reserve Shiraz awarded
92 Points by Halliday Wine Companion!

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<div class="cycler-title display-3.5"><span style="color:#ffffff;">Celebrating 30 years of<br />McGuigan Black Label</span></div>

Celebrating 30 years of
McGuigan Black Label

Unlock the fun - quizzes, competitions, and more
for all Black Label lovers!

Follow Us @McGuiganwines