Single Source Solutions

Single Source Solutions

IT Services and IT Consulting

Perth, Western Australia 352 followers

Simply Intuitive.

About us

Single Source helps businesses to optimise their operations with solutions that are simply intuitive. We begin by identifying all the data sources required for your business to thrive, before utilising our unique in-house data aggregation platforms to transform your data into information. The final step is to build a fully tailored platform where you can see what you need, how you want to see it, giving you a whole new level of control over your business operations. This new grasp on your data will empower your team to be even more enterprising and innovative. We believe that data aggregation should be a competitive advantage accessible to all businesses - no matter the size, application, or budget. For this reason, the prices of our services are extremely competitive in comparison to the excessive costs of similar companies. A single conversation with our team could transform your perspective on the potential of your business. Get in touch today.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
2-10 employees
Perth, Western Australia
Privately Held


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    300 Murray St

    Level 2 of the Wentworth Building

    Perth, Western Australia 6000, AU

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Employees at Single Source Solutions


  • You've read what we can do, you know there may be an opportunity for us to work together. Whether that be that you want to streamline your operations, gain more visibility on comprehensive reporting to make data-driven decisions or our "the sky is the limit" approach intrigues you, you know that we need to have a chat. Our discovery calls are non-obligatory. It is an opportunity to share your business and operational frustrations, and we will share with you the potential solutions we can create together.  It is a call to just discover the possibilities. If you're wondering what possibilities are out there for your business so you can stop resenting the way things have always been done, knowing full well that your business and operations could benefit from change, don't hesitate- feel free to book in a call!

    Schedule a Call with Single Source: Book Your Appointment Today — Single Source

    Schedule a Call with Single Source: Book Your Appointment Today — Single Source

  • Is BLE transforming the way businesses operate? Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is revolutionising the healthcare industry, enabling organisations to enhance patient care with unprecedented efficiency. However, the utility of BLE extends far beyond healthcare. It promises to redefine connectivity and operational efficiency across multiple industries. To fully appreciate BLE's transformative potential, it's essential to explore how various sectors are already benefiting from this technology, inspiring you to envision its application within your own business. Read our blog here:

    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)  transforming the way businesses operate — Single Source

    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transforming the way businesses operate — Single Source

  • View organization page for Single Source Solutions, graphic


    Are you a client of ours? Did you know you can book in a check in call or a training call to ensure that you and your team are well adept at your new software and system? If not, or if you're looking to book in another as more questions naturally come up as you use your software, feel free to book in a call here:

    Schedule a Call with Single Source: Book Your Appointment Today — Single Source

    Schedule a Call with Single Source: Book Your Appointment Today — Single Source

  • If you’re unsure whether this 3G shutdown will affect you, here are a couple of tell-tale signs it’s time to make the switch, swipe to see if any of these examples relate to you. What are the next steps? Once you’ve identified what 3G-compatible devices and hardware will be affected, you should contact your hardware providers to order an upgrade. Do this sooner rather than later, as we believe the closer the shutdown date is, the less stock will be readily available. If you’re not sure and would like to know how this will personally affect your business, feel free to book a call and organise a business-wide audit. One of our highly knowledgeable Single Source team members will be able to look through your devices and let you know which needs to be upgraded or switched over.

  • Agility is so important in our line of work as technology and software are always evolving. And we understand more than most how important it is for our client's operations to never skip a beat. This means we are always on top of the changes that will affect our clients. We would never gatekeep our knowledge, instead, we would reach out to ensure our clients know how each change and how it could potentially affect them, and then put in a plan to mitigate any risks or upgrade them to align with the new change. If you're looking for a team that doesn't shy away from encompassing the true meaning of agility, book a call with us, and let's see how we can help you streamline your business and reporting!

    Contact Single Source: Reach Out for Tailored Solutions and Support — Single Source

    Contact Single Source: Reach Out for Tailored Solutions and Support — Single Source

  • One platform, that performs well in all areas, for all your business reporting and operational needs? No such thing, or so you think. You may be familiar with this narrative, you’ve been searching for a system or platform to assist you in ranking or scoring your operators but they all fall short in some way. They have their pros, but you can’t help wishing that if only two or three systems could marry each other, that would solve your world of problems. You’re not the only one. Our client couldn’t believe that we had one holistic solution for their myriad of functions when it came to reporting on their operators. Our name is Single Source Solutions, and as our name suggests, the challenge of creating and building one system that is your business’ solution, is much welcomed. Here is how it started:

    The holistic approach to scoring your team — Single Source

    The holistic approach to scoring your team — Single Source

  • A couple of days ago we asked if you're ready for the 3G shutdown. Today we enquire whether you know the ramifications if you were to not transition your devices in time. Basically, those devices operating on the 3G network will be non operable unless you transition the network from 3G to 4G or 5G.  Here are a few devices that this will affect, just to put it into context: ➡️Mobile phones which only connect to 3G ➡️IoT (Even new sensors, trackers etc still operate on 2G/3G networks given their low bandwidth requirements) ➡️Network extension devices ➡️Some EFTPOS machines ➡️Antennas that operate on the 3G network If the above were to stop working, would it affect you and the business? What does that impact look like? You've still got time, however, the sooner you take the leap, the more streamlined this will all be for you. As you can imagine, you're not alone, there is a backlog of other companies in the same situation. What are the next steps? Once you’ve identified what 3G-compatible devices and hardware will be affected, you should contact your hardware providers to order an upgrade. Do this sooner rather than later, as we believe the closer the shutdown date is, the less stock will be readily available. If you’re not sure and would like to know how this will personally affect your business, feel free to book a call and organise a business-wide audit. One of our highly knowledgeable Single Source team members will be able to look through your devices and let you know which needs to be upgraded or switched over. 📷: Australian Broadcasting Corporation

    Schedule a Call with Single Source: Book Your Appointment Today — Single Source

    Schedule a Call with Single Source: Book Your Appointment Today — Single Source

  • Communication is key to everything in business, and let’s face it, in life too. When there is a breakdown of communication, or when communication and intel get to the decision maker slower than is ideal, this can affect many areas of business. When safety is a concern, the faster a manager or decision maker gets that intel, it could be the difference between avoiding an event or the unimaginable. We have a few customers in the logistics business and with so many assets and operators on the road, it’s hard to keep up with the current status of an operator. This is because many times the software and the hardware do not talk to each other. Below is how we solved this very issue for our client. You may not be in the logistics industry, however, we know that communications can always be tighter. The more data you have at your disposal, and if that data is on-demand when you need it, you can make faster decisions, propelling your business forward instead of getting stuck by another obstacle. Let’s dive in.

    On-demand data, right at your fingertips — Single Source

    On-demand data, right at your fingertips — Single Source

  • Keeping up to date with Single Source has never been easier. We now have an email that goes out once or twice a month to our subscribers to keep them in the loop with industry insights, business updates, and behind-the-scenes of what we get up to here. This is an open channel, one for you to get a grasp of what is going on, but you are also able to reply back and use this to get in contact with us if you find something thought-provoking, or if you'd like to give us feedback.  Our newsletter is a two-way street, and if you'd like to see our take on something, please feel free to contact us as we find it more necessary to provide you with the information and data that you would find useful, rather than just have yet another email land in your inbox. Want to sign up for our newsletter? Click the link below and head to our footer to sign up!

    Contact Single Source: Reach Out for Tailored Solutions and Support — Single Source

    Contact Single Source: Reach Out for Tailored Solutions and Support — Single Source

  • Are you ready for the 3G shutdown? As hard as it may be to understand how this will affect us in its totality, the worst thing we can do is bury our heads in the sand. For all Telstra consumers, the 3G shutdown has been delayed until August 31st, however for other network providers, it is still safe to say that the shutdown will occur June 30th. Whether you're particular deadline is June 30th of August 31st the best thing to do is act now. This way you can transition with time on your side. So instead of telling you what to do, let us tell you how to do it, without you barely having to lift a finger. We understand and can appreciate how busy you are, and how many things are running in the background for your business. Feel free to book a call and organise a business-wide audit. One of our highly knowledgeable Single Source team members will be able to look through your devices and let you know which needs to be upgraded or switched over.

    Schedule a Call with Single Source: Book Your Appointment Today — Single Source

    Schedule a Call with Single Source: Book Your Appointment Today — Single Source

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